It's National Nutrition Month! Shop Our Tailored Collection Now
Our website handles all customer information in a confidential manner. We do not give out or sell any customer information we receive. The information you provide is used to help us to better serve you. We track customer activity on our website and collect data for marketing analysis. For each visitor to our web page, our web server automatically recognizes the consumer's IP address. Cookies are used to help with navigation through our web pages; they are not used to gather any personal information about users. In order to access this web site, you need to have cookies turned on.
We collect the email addresses and other information requested to process orders and to provide information you request. If you supply us with your email or postal address, you may receive periodic mailings from us with information on new products and services or special discounts. If you do not wish to receive such mailings, please let us know by emailing us at Please provide us with the exact name and address you used when you supplied your information.
We do not make our customer e-mail list and mailing list available to other organizations, but we may need to share your email with a third party in order to collect reviews when you place an order online. Persons who supply us with their telephone numbers may receive telephone contact from us with information regarding orders they have placed. Please provide us with your correct phone number when placing an order. We do not provide phone numbers to any other company or organization.
If you have any questions, you can reach us by telephone at 888-455-7003 (US Only) or 507-455-9076.
Our postal address is: