It's National Nutrition Month! Shop Our Tailored Collection Now
Bringing even more to the table. And every other available surface with our trusted partners.
movemindfully is a training and consulting company that brings the science of mindfulness, movement, and socialemotional learning into simple trauma-responsive practices that are used in educational, therapeutic, corporate, and home environments. We offer training, workshops, products, consultation, and curricula that teach simple mindbody practices for self-regulation, focus, and overall well-being. Based on the latest research in neuroscience and best practices for intervening with trauma, anxiety, and depression, our tools include card decks, posters, books, and our new app that illustrates movemindfully Breathe Move Rest practices.
Visualz plus the power of more. More ideation and more implementation. Partnering with the consulting expertise of ProTeam Foodservice Advisors, we now have even more on the menu to make your cafeteria makeover more dreamy, make steamed broccoli more steamy, and soft serve more creamy. Because a visually dynamic space is where people want to be. It’s where good moods and good nutrition go hand in hand. And fork in mouth. It’s where everything tastes better.
Enhance your Meal Program. Earn Cool School Points. Cool School Cafe® provides a platform to enhance child nutrition programs through marketing and relevant foodservice support.
Visualz is proud to promote the MyPlate.gov program. A healthy eating routine is important at every stage of life and can have positive effects that add up over time. It’s important to eat a variety of fruits, vegetables, grains, protein foods, dairy and fortified soy alternatives. When deciding what to eat or drink, choose options that are full of nutrients. Make every bite count.
Our passion is to deliver extraordinary experiences, lasting relationships and outstanding food to America’s tables. Quality has been at the core of everything we’ve done since day one. From delicious food and personal service to the way we work together and the relationships we build, we don’t settle.
The National WIC Association (NWA) is the non-profit voice of the 12,000 public health nutrition service provider agencies and the over 6.3 million mothers, babies, and young children served by the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC). NWA provides education, guidance, and support to WIC staff; and drives innovation and advocacy to strengthen WIC as we work toward a nation of healthier families.