It's National Nutrition Month! Shop Our Tailored Collection Now
Founded in 1997, Visualz (Learning ZoneXpress at the time) originally created resources for Family and Consumer Science teachers. Recognizing a need for curriculum, posters and videos, we found great success creating resources no one else had.
With expertise in nutrition and health, our offerings expanded from classroom to cafeteria. Foodservice directors looking for front-of-the-line signage relied on us to make sure they were in compliance with the USDA requirements. What started as posters and dry erase menu boards turned into full cafeteria makeovers. Schools quickly recognized the impact such environmental changes have on student behavior. As a result, student participation increased, and lines moved faster.
In 2018, our capabilities expanded even more when we became part of the Vomela Companies. Today we create custom branded signage for with school logos, names, and mascots that grace schools both inside and out.
Contact us today to learn how Visualz can support your school, district, or organization.